A Picture of Health and Beauty
KAT 2021
Aptitude Aperture
KAT 2021
The air feels wild and within reach. I seek to both connect and understand, and I don’t believe these goals are mutually exclusive. I want to bask in the wonder while remaining rooted; though I’m not one made for reality.
I don’t mind and yet it’s all I do.
I’m not always certain what I’m reaching for, though oftentimes it’s you.
Logic has held me safe for so long,
but it doesn’t allow for feeling
only feeling alone.
Pretty things come
in all shapes and sizes.
the unknown landscape is where I find
the most alluring surprises.
I aim to escape
but not to flee.
The only sure route I know
is curiosity.
Home is where my soul is, but also the clouds.
I’m not prone to worry about how far is down.
I am as constant as a carousel,
but simultaneously down to earth.
I move with stillness
and I’m learning my worth.