On Being

full of wonder

On this day, a new decade, I celebrate.
I celebrate that I’ve come this far.
That I have survived, and thrived, 
and not necessarily in a linear progression.

I have become comfortable with the notion
that in this life,
I am endlessly creating myself. 

That every jagged piece and part and circumstance I am thrown,
are but workings 
leading me toward a greater existence.

That while I carry shadows,
brimming with fear and insecurity,
I am building into my being.

As I work to discover more
Of this
As I chisel this existence,
Let me be here
Let me know her

Let me be with this version of her
Let me hold space for who she is today
Before I bear witness 
to all that she will become

May I recognize her
Far into the future 
Not by exterior alone
But by her lightness
in being

How it envelops her
Surrounds her with wonder

For she wrote these words
There is wonder in her world
And she is full of wonder

Let me cherish this being
Let me bask in her light 

There is a life
I have yet to know
But for now
Let me love this her

For she is a being
Oh, what a wonderful being she is

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