The Spirituality of Solitude

I love being with myself. I take great solace in solitude. 

When I choose to study my self, I become enraptured with her.

What better way to know oneself than in seclusion?

I used to ascribe to the societal notion that to spend time alone was unseemly.

I began to realize, it’s not very conducive to the nature of capitalism to be so comfortable with yourself; to not have to spend your days longing for products and potions outside of yourself to discover you are enough. 

I tried chasing happiness for so long thinking if I invested enough in the betterment of myself through education or appearance measures or sought the right people’s approval, I could be let in on a secret of life. I don’t have a secret for you, but I do invite this wisdom into your life. 

No one makes money on your solitude, no one grows richer by growing your self-compassion.

The only way to know what to invest in for myself was to know her. I have realized that the more time I spend with just being, I become more spiritual. When I find myself intentionally alone, I remember the freedom of dreaming and imagining a more beautiful existence while recognizing the streaks of beauty in my present. 

Deep inside there is a knowing, deep within you, and I am sensing that the world has become a bit too loud and marketed for you to hear it. I invite you to return. I cannot know the multitudes you contain, but I can think of no better way to study them than in solitude. This world can be deafening, and maybe that intuition you once remembered has been dulled to a whisper. What you seek is not to be found in your external world, but the universe within you. I cannot promise you peace, happiness, or success but what I can speak to is discovery. When you are able to sit with yourself; to know, really know, the contours of your soul, this is where discovery begins. This is where the permission to know thyself is granted. 

I wish for you a return, to all you are, and all you hope to be.

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